I went to Copper Mountain last week with Patty, Chris and his new girlfriend and had a great time. Chris skied with me on Thursday and it was one of the finest days of resort skiing that I can remember. We enjoyed knee deep powder on almost every run and there were hardly any people there so we skied right to the lift every run. It was even better because I could spend the day with Chris. He is becoming a very good skier and is a lot of fun to ski with.
I went to Vail on Friday and skied with some friends from my gym and had another fantastic day.
I got up Saturday intending to ski at Copper again, but instead I decided to go climb something. The closest 14er that I hadn't climbed yet was Mt Sherman, so I went there. My late decision resulted in an 11:30 start time and since it is winter, the road was closed about 1.5 miles before you actually start up the mountain. I skinned up this section pretty quickly and then skinned up to the top, stopping briefly two times for a quick snack and drink of water. I summitted at 3 pm and skied down to the car by 4. It was a really tough descent as the skies clouded up and the light went flat. The snow consisted of frozen wind ridges, hard pack and breakable crust. Since I was alone I couldn't risk any trouble so I took things very carefully. In spite of these challenges, I was glad to ski down since it is so much faster than walking back down.
Channel 10/11 (local tv station) has scheduled an interview with me on Thursday afternoon and KFOR 1240 AM has invited me onto their morning show next week. I feel like my 15 minutes of fame is upon me!
My gym (Madonna ProActive) has asked me to give a slide show next Tuesday at 5:30 in case anyone wants to attend. Call the gym to verify the time as it isn't 100% nailed down yet.
I leave in 12 days and feel like I am truly prepared. I know that I will miss my family and really should be at work, but I will call every day or so and keep in touch as much as possible. Stay tuned!
Robert this is Scott Carlson, hope you have a safe trip and a great one. I will be praying that you make it to the top safe and down. Some day i hope to be able to do what you are doing but only God knows. Thanks for the inspiration.